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Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg

Thorn-fit Widerstandsbänder oder auch Superbands sind bestens geeignet für Functional Fitness, Powerlifting und Mobility Training.

Code: thorn5
Originalpreis: 305 Kč

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Beschreibung Foto (5) Video (1) Ähnlich

Einsatzgebiete Widerstandsband:

  • Stretching, Schnellkraft-Training, Aerobic, Prehab- und Rehabtraining uvm.


Eigenschaften Mobility Band:

  • ultra flexibles und resistentes Latex Widerstandsband
  • Grösse: 208x1.30x0.45cm
  • Widerstand: 13.6kg (30lbs)

Do you need help which resistance band do you need?  Try to read this ARTICLE. For now it is still in Czech language but with google translate you can find a lot of helpful information for you.


Resistance band

A resistance band does exactly what the name suggests: it adds resistance to an exercise. This added resistance helps strengthen your muscles and pushes you to work a little bit harder.
Resistance bands have a number of benefits. In addition to their ability to help you strengthen muscles groups, they are also affordable, portable and accessible.


Produkt - Foto Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg

Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg

3D Ansicht zum Produkt Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg

Video zum Produkt: Superband SUPER-MINI lbs/ 13,5 kg

THORN+fit - Superbands

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